
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Many Reasons

Seconds into minutes, minutes into hours.
Clouds turn to gray, and sprinkles turn to showers.
It’s the way the world turns, the way the cookie crumbles.
Friends turn to enemies, whispers elevate to mumbles.
But hey…
What can I say?
Same shit, different day.
A short life I’ve lived, but many lessons, I’ve learned
No need to be worried, no need to be concerned.;
With circumstances you cannot maintain,
With circumstances you cannot change
You live and you learn, you get up and rearrange
Your friends, family, and every priority.
Making yourself majority, and not the minority.
It’s normal to wonder, it’s normal to guess.
To put your heart on the line, on a constant guest.
For joy, for bliss.
For the ultimate happiness.
In due time, this too will come
But patience first, you must succumb.
Sometimes not a tear, or a cry can explain
The turbulence in life we must sustain,
So make life easy on yourself, and hold it’s hand ever so tight
Be conscious of your wrongs, but remember there’s no way to do it right.

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